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Chocolate cooling and demoulding

23 May 2006 | By Dave Cruickshank, Chocolate Development Manager, Cadbury Trebor Bassett

Tempering and cooling are best regarded as two parts of the same process: the solidification of chocolate.There are interactions between the two processes and they both need to be carried out correctly in order to ensure an efficient process and create a high quality product.This article examines these processes and…

Cocoa butter fractionation

23 May 2006 | By Dr Gijs Calliauw, Chemical Engineer, De Smet-Ballestra

In the oils and fats industry, there is an ever increasing demand for products with very special physical properties for food applications and this demand propels improvement and new developments in oil modification techniques.The constant evolution in technology and process knowledge makes it possible to modify the textural properties of…

Predicting fat and quality of meat

23 May 2006 | By Marjeta Candek-Potokar,Agricultural Institute of Slovenia

Use of near infrared (NIR) spectrum as an analytical tool has been established for some time, however it became popular only after the invention of high performance spectrophotometers associated with multivariate data analysis.Today NIR spectroscopy is also widely and successfully used in food analysis. First attempts to use NIR spectroscopy…

Antimicrobial surfaces in the food industry

23 May 2006 | By Dr Terence Child CSci CChem FRSC, Hygiene Consultant

The application of antimicrobial surfaces in the food industry is creating considerable interest in all aspects of food processing operations.The objective of this article is to review and put into perspective the main technologies currently available for applications in this area. Fully embedded systems and surface coated systems will be…

Impact of mild preservation techniques on packaging

23 May 2006 | By Iekje Berg, Hetty Jongbloed, Leo van Boxtel, TNO Quality of Life, Zeist

Micro-organisms are the main cause of food spoilage (spoilage organisms) and food-borne diseases (pathogens).Traditional methods to control the growth of micro-organisms include heating (blanching, pasteurisation and sterilisation), freezing and the use of preservative agents. However, consumer demands are changing and they are now asking for fresh, healthy food combined with…

Multiple chemical contaminants in foods

23 May 2006 | By Professor Christopher Elliott, Institute of Agri-Food and Land Use, Queen’s University, Belfast

Over the past decade, the presence of chemical contaminants in foods has probably had a greater impact on the global food trade than any other food-related issue.The reasons for the continued attention directed towards chemical contaminants are complex and associated with a number of separate, yet interrelated factors.

Inspiring dairy technology

23 May 2006 | By Mr Ollie Tossavainen, Research Manager, Valio Ltd, Finland

In April 2006 Valio won a Gold European FoodTec Award at Anuga Foodtec for their lactose-free milk technology, used to process such products as Valio Lactose free milk drink, Emmi Lactose free milk drink and Kaiku Lactose free milk drink.The technology completely eliminates lactose from milk without affecting the taste…

Spray drying of dairy products: a review

9 March 2006 | By Pierre Schuck, Science et Technologie du Lait et de l'CEuf, Inra-Agrocampus

Milk is extremely perishable and yet, for a number of reasons, it has to be preserved for later consumption. The removal of water prevents the growth of micro-organisms and facilitates preservation and storage of milk constituents. Spray drying is one of the most convenient techniques for producing milk powders and…

If you can’t kill them, control them

9 March 2006 | By Peter de Jong and Meike te Giffel, NIZO food research, The Netherlands

In the food industry the operation costs are governed by fouling. Typically, processes applied in the dairy industry that operate below 80°C are limited by adherence and growth of micro-organisms in the equipment. Above 80°C the run time is limited by deposition of proteins and minerals. Besides the limited run…

Effects of milk processing on odour and taste

9 March 2006 | By Wolfgang Hoffmann, Federal Research Centre for Nutrition and Food, Location Kiel, Katja Borcherding, G.C. Hahn & Co., Lübeck, Matthias Denker, Marijana Parat-Wilhelms, Andrea Luger and Hans Steinhart, Department of Food Chemistry, University of Hamburg, Germany

The popularity of milky coffee beverages is based on its energising effect and special flavour. This is particularly true with younger consumers, who reject traditional beverages with evaporated milk or coffee cream, and prefer products with relatively high amounts of milk as it softens the bitter coffee taste effectively. Numerous…

Pulsed Electric Field pasteurisation of foods

9 March 2006 | By Huub L.M. Lelieveld

To have food available all year round, preservation is essential. However, traditional preservation methods such as drying, salting, acidifying, fermenting and heat treatments, whilst providing specific advantages, also have drawbacks. These include negative effects on colour, flavour and concentration of nutrients such as vitamins. New methods are emerging and one…

What changes occur in chocolate during conching?

9 March 2006 | By Mike Gray, Manufacturing Support Advisor, Nestle Product Technology Centre

Chocolate conching is not a precisely defined process and there are still elements of skill in producing a good flavoursome chocolate with the right viscosity for making sweets. This article is an introduction to what goes on in the conche and demonstrates how complex a process conching is. A conche,…

Troubleshooting chocolate problems

9 March 2006 | By Eric Schmoyer, R&D Laboratory Manager, R.M. Palmer

Determining the cause of line problems and correcting them without creating excessive down time can be a trying experience. This article will cover some of the more common problems found in chocolate and coating production of hollow, solid, one shot, and enrobed items from pre-molding considerations to demolding of finished…

Standards in meat processing explained

9 March 2006 | By Emma West, Meat Industry Inspection Specialist, EFSIS

The meat industry has, deservedly or not, been the subject of much adverse media comment in recent years. Recognised standards, inspected by independent third party auditors, are a key tool in building and maintaining consumer confidence. This article examines how standards work in the modern meat processing sector.

Sanitary design principles for meat processing

9 March 2006 | By Skip Seward, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, American Meat Institute

Hygienic manufacture of food and beverage is a theme closely allied to New Food. A major contribution toward the goal of safe food production is ensuring that processing equipment is designed with this in mind. The European Hygienic Engineering Design Group (EHEDG) provide regular contributions describing their work and principles…