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Emily Miles



FSA to launch a food fraud hotline

The FSA has shared proposals from the Food Fraud Group…

11 October 2023 | By

The FSA has shared proposals from the Food Fraud Group including launching a hotline for people to share their food crime concerns.


A new strategy for a new era

Food Standard Agency (FSA) Chair, Professor Susan Jebb, introduces Food…

7 April 2022 | By

Food Standard Agency (FSA) Chair, Professor Susan Jebb, introduces Food You Can Trust – the FSA’s new five-year strategy that comes in response to the evolving food climate.


FSA’s Emily Miles asks “Why do we need transparency?”

In a keynote speech as part of Food Integrity, Chief…

29 April 2021 | By

In a keynote speech as part of Food Integrity, Chief Executive of the Food Standards Agency Emily Miles explains why transparency is such a crucial part of food regulation, and issues some stark reminders of what can happen when transparency is eroded.


A food system for the future

In the last Chris’ Corner of 2020, the professor reflects…

9 December 2020 | By

In the last Chris’ Corner of 2020, the professor reflects on Emily Miles’ recent speech and calls for more champions in Government, industry and academia, who will bring meaningful change next year.


Lessons learned during COVID-19

In the second of a two-part discussion on trust and…

26 August 2020 | By

In the second of a two-part discussion on trust and collaboration in the food system, the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA) Chief Executive, Emily Miles, discusses the impact of COVID-19 and the need for better collaboration across Government.